Writer’s Memo

December 13, 2010 § Leave a comment

Reekes Louanne

07 December 2010

Writer’s Memo – MP2

I am currently writing my second draft for my mini-ethnography, MP 2.  The culture I chose to observe is a second grade class at W. H. Robinson Elementary.  Throughout my observations I was aiming to answer my question: Does segregation still exist in schools?

 I chose to follow my discovery writings to put my ethnography together. The discovery writings started the process with choosing a topic of interest and led to taking field notes and observing the culture chosen. Putting my discovery writings together helped me organize my paper. Interestingly the introduction has been the hardest and most frustrating part for my paper. Trying to rearrange some of my discovery writing to give a good flow into my field notes had been difficult. I first wrote my first draft and hated it, so unexpectedly I chose to redo my intro.

I like the layout of my second draft. I am planning on including my field notes about my field site next in my draft.  I do not plan on recycling this work.

I want readers to focus on the topic of my work; segregation. Also, I would like them to have a clear understanding of my field site.  I want readers to understand this work is based on my own research.

This paper was challenging, I did not particularly find one certain thing helpful.

And I would like the reader’s response in a written memo.

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